How To Incorporate Self-Care into Your Daily Routine

Self-care tips for busy women

Self-care is one of these trends that can make a change in people’s lives but so much information available online makes the concept difficult to navigate. While the perfect self-care plan will vary from person to person, this article should give you some ideas on where to start. You’ll find out what self-care is and how you can incorporate it into your daily routine. Are you ready to transform your life?

What Is Self-Care?

Self-care refers to all the activities that promote your well-being and happiness. It not only allows you to improve and manage your health but also reconnect with your needs and cultivate self-love. Without self-care, you’re at a bigger risk of developing various health concerns and you might struggle to cope with negative emotions as well as reach your potential to fulfill your goals. Don’t wait until your health suffers and develop a self-care routine today.

Here’s how you can develop a self-care routine:

1. Learn how to recognize your needs

Self-care tips for busy women

No matter what influencers or wellness coaches want you to think, an ambitious self-improvement plan isn’t always a good idea. There isn’t one size that fits all and you might not be mentally prepared to make big adjustments to your routine. If you pressure yourself to change your lifestyle and your desire to improve doesn’t come from within, it will be a chore and not something that promotes your well-being.

Apart from considering your individual preferences, you should remember that just because something is seen as healthy it doesn’t mean it’s good for you. For example, if you used to force yourself to run when you were younger to lose weight the negative association might make exercising unenjoyable and means you should find a different activity to include in your self-care plan.

The key to creating a successful self-care routine is making sure it makes you happy and gives you a sense of gratification. In other words, you should do something that benefits you, not something that you think you should do. If you can’t think of anything that could fit into that category, it’s a good idea to have a go at journaling. Try to make a list of things and activities that bring you joy and turn them into goals.

2. Take small steps

Have you ever felt guilty while relaxing after work because you knew you could be devoting that time to learning a new skill or exercising instead? The pressure to be the best version of yourself might be overwhelming, however, it’s what self-care isn’t. While self-care is a type of growth, it’s mainly a way to recharge and shouldn’t take a big portion of your time or make you feel like you’re not doing enough.

Once you’ve come up with a potential self-care routine, make sure you start small; even the most pleasurable activities might become a chore if there are ten other things on your to-do list. 

For the same reason, you should remember to be flexible. Just because you happen to skip a few of the steps when life gets in the way or when you simply don’t feel like doing them doesn’t mean that you failed or don’t care about yourself. Remember, the main goal of self-care is to feel good and if taking a break from it is what makes you feel good sometimes, so be it.

3. Prioritize your health

As you probably know, the information on how to improve your health is vast and while following general advice won’t hurt, it’s worth remembering that prioritizing health looks different for everyone; in some people’s case it might be physical activity, in others’ it might be learning how to set boundaries.

To identify a change that you could benefit from the most, think of unhealthy habits that you’re guilty of. For example, recall the last time you were stressed and try to remember what behaviors you relied on to cope with it. If you tend to resort to unhealthy food, consider including more healthy foods in your diet to balance it out. If you end up scrolling on social media, consider finding a healthier distraction such as watching your favorite TV show.

Additionally, try to incorporate some stress management into your routine. A good place to start is by listening to a guided meditation or doing yoga. You must experiment with a few methods before you find the one that works best for you, but you’ll be able to see positive changes even if you do it for only a few minutes every day.

4. Reconnect with your hobby

As we get older, it’s natural to drift away from our hobbies because life’s responsibilities get in the way and professional and family life become the priority. However, in some people’s cases abandoning their passion might have nothing to do with lack of time but everything to do with a fear of failure.

What might have given you joy when you were younger, might now make you feel not good enough because in the era of social media, it’s more common to reward success instead of the effort itself. So, the first step to getting your passion back is to do something you enjoy every day without worrying if you do it well or not.

The best way to practice is by trying something new that doesn’t make you feel like you must constantly improve or document your achievements. For example, you could try out a new recipe, have a go at drawing, learn a dance routine, or do knitting; whatever you choose, with the right mindset, you should be able to focus on the process itself. Once you’ve let go of striving for perfection, it will be easier for you to reconnect with your hobby and benefit from the sense of purpose it can give you.

5. Consider a digital detox

Even though technology certainly has its benefits, it comes with many downsides that can stand in the way of your happiness. For starters, it’s addictive as it drowns us in dopamine and makes us keep scrolling, which impacts productivity and forces us into a more sedentary lifestyle.

Additionally, social media encourages comparison and brings feelings of inadequacy as it presents an idealized version of reality. If you feel like you aren’t addicted to using the Internet, do a little experiment and try to stay away from it for a few hours. Even if your will is strong enough, chances are you’ll feel like something is missing. If you want to free yourself from the addiction and turn your focus to what’s around you, try to reduce the time spent on your electronics gradually. You can start by cutting it down to two hours a day and go from there – the key is to be consistent. You might be surprised how much free time you’ll have now.

6. Focus on your goals

Goals are what drive us and make life meaningful so it’s important to devote some time to work towards them. Firstly, it’s beneficial to understand what motivates you by tracking your progress. Do you work better under pressure, or do you perform best after praise? Then, you can try to improve your time management and set milestones for your goals but don’t pressure yourself to be at your best every single day.

Even devoting five minutes to think about your goal can be helpful as it encourages you to stay focused on what you want and gives you a sense of purpose. Remember, self-development is a part of self-care, but it shouldn’t be done at the expense of your mental health.

A good idea is also to prepare a vision board that you can fill with images and motivating quotes relating to your goal; place it in a visible place and look at it every day. When you do, make sure to take some time to visualize your success.

7. Give yourself more time to snooze every day

It’s not always easy to engage in self-care because our schedules are so busy. Luckily, focusing on getting a good night’s sleep allows you to kill two birds with one stone: improve both your mental and physical health. If you don’t remember the last time you woke up feeling refreshed, it’s time to focus on improving your sleep hygiene.

Since sleeping is something, you must do every night anyway, you might as well make the most of it. The easiest place to start is by making sure that your room is cool, dark, and quiet. If you like buying gadgets, consider getting a weighted blanket that promotes good sleep and prevents anxiety. Then, make sure you go to sleep at the same time each night and try not to use electronics for an hour before bed.

8. Learn to stay in the present

Living life to the fullest is challenging because our lifestyles tend to be so hectic it’s sometimes impossible to stop to think and have a breather. However, there are ways you can learn how to be in the present despite a busy schedule.

For example, mindfulness is a practice that comes from Buddhism, which aim is to bring your attention to the present moment and observe your emotions without judgment. The easiest way to develop this skill is by practicing breathing techniques. Set aside some time to focus on your breath; inhale with your mouth closed and slowly exhale with your mouth open. Let yourself observe your thoughts and emotions but without engaging in them; imagine they pass you by and drift away just like clouds.

Additionally, when you attend to daily tasks such as washing the dishes or walking, try to bring your attention to the present whenever your mind starts to wander. What matters is here and now? It will take some practice because we tend to overthink and favor multitasking, but it will get easier over time.

The inability to stay in the present makes it difficult to manage emotions and invites self-deprecating talk. When we are under a lot of stress, our thoughts gravitate towards negativity, and we often turn into our worst critics. Talking down on yourself can affect your self-worth and impact your motivation, making it more difficult to achieve goals or maintain relationships.

One of the great ways to cope with negative self-talk is by making it a habit to come up with contradictive statements. For example, whenever you call yourself names for failing, make sure to come up with a self-compassionate response, such as ‘I’m not stupid, I’ve done my best and I can’t always succeed’. This should help you develop a more realistic mindset over time.

9. Spend time with loved ones

Spending time with people who care about you can increase your resilience and help you deal with life’s adversities, as well as give you a sense of belonging. Of course, seeing your loved ones every day might not be possible but even sending them a text message can be beneficial to your health. Additionally, the next time you’re spending time with them, put your phone away and focus on building a connection; utilize your mindfulness skills and stay focused on the present.

10. Pamper yourself

A good self-care routine means finding a balance between self-development and allowing yourself to be lazy without guilt. It’s important to remember that even if you don’t do anything productive, you still deserve to treat yourself and feel good. To help you alleviate the guilt, you can practice positive affirmations; these are positive statements that you can repeat to yourself in front of the mirror every day.

Tell yourself that you did your best and that you have the right to take a break, even if you don’t believe it. Letting yourself know that you deserve to feel good strengthens your self-esteem and allows you to cultivate self-love, which is the key to living a fulfilling and happy life. Additionally, make it your aim to pamper yourself every day with an enjoyable activity, such as having a long bath or ordering your favorite takeaway.